Typical Example

This problem involves vehicles that need to make a route where each vehicle has limited carrying capacity. The following example is from OR-Tools introduction where we calculate a delivery run for four vehicles.


The API have a set of special inputs that help us model the problem and solve it in a concise manner. Inour case we have: the demands for each stop (or node) in our route; the total number of vehicles at our disposal; and the capacity of each vehicle. We also declare the starting point which is analogous to the warehouse.

let distanceMatrix = array2D [
      [ ... ];
      [ ... ];
      [ ... ];

let demands = [0L; 1L; 1L; 2L; 4L; 2L; 4L; 8L; 8L; 1L; 2L; 1L; 2L; 4L; 4L; 8L; 8L]
let vehicleCapacities = [15L; 15L; 15L; 15L]
let totalVehicles = vehicleCapacities.Length
let depot = 0

Now we configure the API parameters to solve the problem. The API is mainly composed of C# constructs and as such we require some intermediaries to pass into the solver.

// Create Routing Index Manager
let manager = new RoutingIndexManager(demands.Length, totalVehicles, depot)

// Create Routing Model.
let routing = new RoutingModel(manager)

// Create and register a transit callback
let distance : LongLongToLong =
  let dist (fromIndex:int64) ( toIndex:int64): int64 =
    let fromNode = manager.IndexToNode(fromIndex)
    let toNode = manager.IndexToNode(toIndex)
    distanceMatrix.[fromNode, toNode]


// Define cost of each arc
let transitCallbackIndex = routing.RegisterTransitCallback(distance)

// Add Capacity constraint
let demandCallbackIndex = routing.RegisterUnaryTransitCallback(fun (fromIndex:int64) -> demands.[manager.IndexToNode(fromIndex)])

routing.AddDimensionWithVehicleCapacity(demandCallbackIndex, 0L, List.toArray vehicleCapacities, true, "Capacity") |> ignore

// Setting first solution heuristic.
let searchParameters = operations_research_constraint_solver.DefaultRoutingSearchParameters()
searchParameters.FirstSolutionStrategy <- FirstSolutionStrategy.Types.Value.PathCheapestArc
searchParameters.LocalSearchMetaheuristic <- LocalSearchMetaheuristic.Types.Value.GuidedLocalSearch

let timeLimit = Duration()
timeLimit.Seconds <- 1L
searchParameters.TimeLimit <- timeLimit

// Solve
let solution = routing.SolveWithParameters(searchParameters)

The distance function uses a type created by the internal solver. This function is called with the original matrix definition ot calculate the distances.

Now that we have our solver configured, we can extract the necessary information. To make interacting with the API easier some additional structures are used which represent each vehicle in the fleet.

type VehicleRoute = {
  ID: string
  Route: int64 list
  Distance: int64
  Capacity: int64

let routes =
  seq { 0 .. 1 .. (totalVehicles-1)}
  |> Seq.map (fun vehicle ->

    // get route
    let mutable index = routing.Start(vehicle)
    let mutable route = []
    while (routing.IsEnd(index).Equals(false)) do
      let nodeIndex = int64(manager.IndexToNode(index))
      route <- route@[nodeIndex]
      index <- solution.Value(routing.NextVar(index))

    route <- route@[route.Head]

    // get distance
    let dist = List.windowed 2 route |> List.map (fun e -> routing.GetArcCostForVehicle(e.[0], e.[1], int64(vehicle)) ) |> List.sum

    // get capacity
    let cap = route |> List.map (fun e -> demands.[int(e)]) |> List.sum

    {ID=vehicle.ToString(); Route=route; Distance=dist; Capacity=cap}
  |> Seq.toList

Notice for each route we add back the starting point which is included in the full distance for a particlar vehicle. We can now get the routes (and other information) for our fleet. For example for vehicle 0, routes.[0].Route=[0L; 4L; 3L; 1L; 7L; 0L].

Further Reading